"The bomb in front of BRP - a box from a game" reads the title of a a news story, posted later after the incident. "Such cases of panic are not too rare and are even mentioned as possible in the guide of the game itself" - continues the story. "I know what this is all about and it's quite possible that this is what the box has been. But I can not be certain at this moment" - said the boss of the regional police in Rousse Svetoslav Parvanov.
Here is a little bit more from the original story that hit the top news on April 26th, 2013:
"A signal for a strange item closed the administration of Sea Shipping "Bulgarian River Shipping" for nearly five hours. The region around the tall building on "Otec Paisii" square no.2 was completely closed and heavily guarded by the regional police. The same happened to the nearby "Slavianska" street and all connected side walks, which invoked the anger amongst many drivers and pedestrians, who had to circle around the spot.
This became necessary because on one of the two big anchors in front of the building - from the "Slavianska" street side there was a small box attached. "
"An elderly man has been spotted by one of the building's guards, attaching the box to the anchor. For the case, a signal came in the police department at around 11:30 AM.
Policeman had arrived at the spot along with units from the special group for fighting terrorist attacks. All workers from the building have been evacuated. Around 3 PM a sapper's team has arrived from the city of Varna.
A preparation stage of around half an hour had followed, after which the actual operation took place. A specially-equipped sapper checked the region around the anchor with a special gadget."
The story continues to explain how later on the man actually took out the box with a long pole, and afterwards the box has been blasted from a safe distance.
This is not the first such story, but it's also interesting when those occur.
What do you think? A great advertisement for the game we love - or rather, a warning sign that we should pay more careful attention to the rules of the game?