Showing posts with label story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label story. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2013

Micro cache spreads panic; anti-terrorist teams blow it up carefully

Recently; one of the caches, hidden in the Bulgarian town Rousse was mistakenly thought for a bomb and was carefully extracted and blown up by an anti-terrorist specialist.

"The bomb in front of BRP - a box from a game" reads the title of a a news story, posted later after the incident. "Such cases of panic are not too rare and are even mentioned as possible in the guide of the game itself" - continues the story. "I know what this is all about and it's quite possible that this is what the box has been. But I can not be certain at this moment" - said the boss of the regional police in Rousse Svetoslav Parvanov.

Here is a little bit more from the original story that hit the top news on April 26th, 2013:

"A signal for a strange item closed the administration of Sea Shipping "Bulgarian River Shipping" for nearly five hours. The region around the tall building on "Otec Paisii" square no.2 was completely closed and heavily guarded by the regional police. The same happened to the nearby "Slavianska" street and all connected side walks, which invoked the anger amongst many drivers and pedestrians, who had to circle around the spot.

This became necessary because on one of the two big anchors in front of the building - from the "Slavianska" street side there was a small box attached. "

"An elderly man has been spotted by one of the building's guards, attaching the box to the anchor. For the case, a signal came in the police department at around 11:30 AM.

Policeman had arrived at the spot along with units from the special group for fighting terrorist attacks. All workers from the building have been evacuated. Around 3 PM a sapper's team has arrived from the city of Varna.

A preparation stage of around half an hour had followed, after which the actual operation took place. A specially-equipped sapper checked the region around the anchor with a special gadget."

The story continues to explain how later on the man actually took out the box with a long pole, and afterwards the box has been blasted from a safe distance.

This is not the first such story, but it's also interesting when those occur. 

What do you think? A great advertisement for the game we love - or rather, a warning sign that we should pay more careful attention to the rules of the game?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The great event in the City of Tulips - So many raffles and prizes!

Just released - a post follow-up on the website of the great event, held in April 2013 in Pitesti, Romania. One can easily see how well the event was organized just by the many and well-thought prizes for different mini-competitions along the event, as well as two raffles held in two consecutive days.

Below is the English translation that Google gave off, it's automated, so read with understanding:


Tulip Awards

In "Rush tulips" You found some ... tulips! And that was not the only surprise.

Lottery participants registered on the site

All players who have confirmed their participation by registering on-site event benefited the privileged few:
  • custom badge
  • Optionally, the event shirt (plain or personalized)
  • attending a special raffle
Raffle was held Saturday evening, before the start search box for the night. 
  • Lukas': badge
  • I3EŞENII: shirt TGQ2012
  • Biciclaru: shirt TGQ2012
We thank TGQ2012 team who donated two shirts from GeoQuest Transylvania - Sibiu 2012 awards tulip.

Lottery tulips

No wonder its called the event "Rush tulips" because in many hidden boxes are found and one special tulip. Who found box and tulip, tulip could keep the raffle. Searchers were asked, however, if you have already found 2 ... 3 tulips are other, offer the chance to find tulips and others.
Raffle was held on Sunday, after CITO 
  • : Compass
  • : Toy DACIA MCV
  • Clock Promotional BOSE

The Black Tulip

A special award was given for the black tulip, tulips one hidden in boxes.
Black Tulip was claimed Sunday after CITO 
Winner: I3EŞENII

Tulip Railway

Series "Bridges of Pitesti" was the bonus box "Tulip Railway". Some of the boxes had this series for the first finder prize: a special tulip ... rail.
Awards were claimed on Saturday evening before the start search box for the night. 
  • Hard Rock: the first box found "Tulip Railway" and a special tulip - set 2 of tulip-shaped salt shakers
  • Biciclaru: special tulip - tulip-shaped salt shaker
  • matrixgaby: special tulip - tulip-shaped salt shaker

Particular puzzle box "taxes and contribution"

Mystery 'Fees, taxes and contribution "specially designed to solve the pen and the mind has its own award.
The award was claimed on Saturday evening before the start search box for the night. 
Winner: I3EŞENII - PICK-UP DACIA toy with which you have to pay taxes:-P

Special Prize for the box "PB # 07 Zodiac"

The most difficult traditional box, "PB # 07 Zodiac" was found Saturday night after night box, and the prize was claimed Sunday night. 
Winner: Alex - special prize that only Alex knows.

Special Prize for the box "Grave left"

The most comprehensive box whose mystery can be solved by visiting as many Pitestinot been claimed!

Gift for younger hunters Event

The "Rush tulips" attended by several young and very young looking, fresh initiates.Saturday night the young people received a special gift.
  • Cami: coin geocoin TGQ2011
  • Iris: coin geocoin TGQ2011

Raffle for young initiates the event

A special raffle subsequently created for those who have found and learned about geocaching for the first time at this event. 
attended Cami, Iris, Alex, Mitss, Robz, Andreuka. 
  • Iris: Toy DACIA LOGAN
  • Alex: geocutie kit (small) ready to hide
  • Roby: geocutie kit (micro) ready to hide

CITO "Spring"

All participants in the "Spring" received a virtual souvenir from website at "11th Annual CITO Weekend (April 20-22, 2013)"
This award was granted independent website Tulip Legendary team, the latter only allowed for the publication of a souvenir CITO event in the "rush tulips." We thank reviewer's and volunteer garu for understanding, since the publication of the CITO accepted although it was announced late.

Trophy for most cases found

Trophy "tulip Cup" was awarded for the most cans found at the event (except the event and CITO)
Trophy and entries were awarded Sunday after CITO
  1. Mioritics - 55 boxes' tulip cup "
  2. iepu09, silentmouse, zozolina (team) - 42 boxes: GeoKrety "tulips Hunt 2013 '(one for each)
  3. caracula - 34 boxes: GeoKrety "MudQuest 2011"

Team "Tulip legendary" would like to thank this reviewer's way voluntarily garu for their support in publishing boxes.
Thanks for understanding participants who may have been little problems along the way and hope that everyone can be felt as well.

Pitesti, Romania, April 2013 - Great event! Booklet download.

Just came back from this amazing event in Pitesti, Romania. More information and stories from the event, as well as pictures and video are in the works - but for now, here is a complete scan of the booklet that every team attending the event was given - quite amazing!

There were some seventy-two geocaches hidden especially for the event - and quite amazingly - all have been hidden within one month, only on the weekends, by just two persons - the event organizers!

So, here is a link to the booklet: